About us

Arbeitskreis Asyl Bad Mergentheim helps refugees to integrate into the german society. His office at Zaisenmühlstraße 3 is open four days a week and manned by volunteers.

We take care of refugees in our city concerning their specific problems.

We teach german language.

We provide information for us and others about the problems of refugees in Germany.

We consult regarding right of asylum, job-seeking, school, education or possible return to the homeland.

We visit families in their problematic living conditions.

We accompany to physicians, authorities, lawyers, court or support children with their homework.

We help to get documents, school equipment, furniture, contacts, admission in nursery school and after-school care club.

We protest in case of unjustice in asylum procedure or unworthy treatment and supply of refugees.

Our office in Zaisenmühlstraße 3 is open

Monday to Thursday
13:30 to 16:00

The office keeps closed from 2020-08-20 to 2020-09-06 for vacancy
Fon: +49 (0) 7931 – 9 68 28 15
Fax: +49 (0) 7931 – 9 68 28 16
E-Mail: ak-asyl-mgh@t-online.de