Our new colleague

Chouaib Majbor M.A.

Hey, I’m Chouaib Majbor, migration counselor at Arbeitskreis Asyl Bad Mergentheim e.V. I have been living in Germany since 2005 and studied literature, linguistics and politics at the University of Würzburg. In recent years, I have gained professional experience as a migration counselor and social worker. I help immigrants and refugees with questions and problems of everyday life. I advise everyone who wants to find their way in Germany and integrate.

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Awareness-raising campaign for privately housed refugees by KOK e.V.

Many refugees from Ukraine are accommodated in private households. This can lead to legal uncertainties and situations of exploitation. Refugees can consult specialized counselling centres of the German NGO Network against Trafficking in Human Beings – KOK e.V.: www.kok-help.de
#KOKgegenMenschenhandel #sicheruntergebracht #Ukraine

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