How does waste disposal work here?

Kategorie: Englisch

There is waste separation in the Main-Tauber district. You can download a leaflet in different languages on what has to be disposed of and how here. There are three different waste bins and yellow sacks. In the waste calendar or in the waste app you can find out when which waste is collected from you.

Yellow bag

Packaging made of plastic, paper or metal belongs in the yellow bag. However, only packaging may be put in the yellow bag. Other waste may not go in, even if it is made of the same material. If there is anything unacceptable in the yellow bag, it will be left there by the waste collectors and not taken away.

The yellow bags are available free of charge at the New City Hall, Bahnhofplatz 1 in 97980 Bad Mergentheim or at the town halls in Edelfingen, Markelsheim and Wachbach.

Disposal of nappies

Households with a child up to the age of 2 or adult incontinent persons receive one refuse sack per month free of charge from the waste management company of the Main-Tauber district. To apply for these refuse sacks, please fill out this application and submit a copy of the birth certificate in the case of children and a medical certificate confirming incontinence in the case of adults.

Blue waste bin

You can put paper and cardboard in the blue bin.

Brown waste bin

You can compost organic waste from the kitchen if you have the possibility to do so. If you do not have this possibility, dispose of this waste in the brown bin.

Grey residual waste bin

All other waste is disposed of in the grey residual waste bin. If there is more rubbish than will fit in the bin, you can buy rubbish bags at the New Town Hall which you place at the side of the road on the day of collection.

You can get the bins from the waste management company of the Main-Tauber district. They are fitted with a chip and personally assigned to you and your address.